Terms of Service ("TOS") - callie
October 2, 2023
These Terms of Use are a legally binding agreement made between you, whether personally or on behalf on an entity ("You") and the callie discord bot ("Callie"), concerning your access to Callie. These terms are set by the team behind Callie ("the Team"). By accessing Callie, you agree the to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to these terms, then you are expressly prohibited from accessing Callie.
- All Callie content is rated 13+. If you are under the age of 13, you are expressly prohibited from accessing or using Callie.
- You are expressly prohibited from causing intentional harm to the services and people responsible for hosting Callie. The punishment for such actions are decided at the time of the actions occurring, and will be decided by the Team.
- Callie and the code behind Callie are properties of the Team. Use of Callie's code without permission from the Team will result in punishment. Punishment for such use is decided at the time of the use occurring, and will be decided by the Team.
Callie is granted the pristl license. Visit License for more details.